This post will be regularly updated.
We are currently working on returns for information received:
Ryan: March 3rd
Jae Ann: February 20th
If you sent in your information before the above date, please wait three days, and then contact us. It takes a few days to put returns together after they are complete, but we may have sent an email or voicemail that could have been missed.
If you had extra work (e.g. bookkeeping), your return may still be in process even if it came in before these dates.
We try to make ourselves as available as possible to answer questions.
If you are a client of ours, please contact us at any time by phone or email if you have any questions.
New Clients:
We accept a limited number of new clients to be set up for tax year 2025 preparation (due April 2026) from 6/1-12/31/2025.
We are not accepting new clients for 2024 and prior year preparation.
We accept new clients referred by current clients only.